While the pandemic has slowed some commercial development in the region, Lakeville's residential growth has been strong. I will continue to support a full range of housing options in our community. I wanted to share a snapshot of recent growth based on some numbers from the last few years:
Building permit valuation
$301m - 2019 (all time record)
$249m - 2018
$270m - 2017
Commercial & Industrial
$63m - 2019
$56m - 2018
$51m -2017
Nearly 40 businesses either expanded or opened in Lakeville in 2019
12 commercial ribbon cutting (24 total) 3 restaurant
5 medical office
2 housing
1 childcare 1 church
Business employment
18,119 - 2019 17,235 - 2018 17,297 - 2017 17,170 - 2016
As I've mentioned, I will continue to advocate for pro-growth policies that allow us to develop our community while maintaining our small town identity. This progress will allow our region to recover more quickly than others from the economic devastation of Covid19.